Lincolnshire and Humberside’s Christmas Lunch

It was pleasing to report that nearly 200 guests attended which was a good increase over last year and we...


It is a shocking statistic that every working day in the UK two construction industry employees take their own lives. ...

Office Principles team tackle Snowdon

We caught up with Yanna Law who gave us some insight into the recent fundraising efforts of Office Principles who...

Sphere Solutions drum up a fantastic donation

After covid, Sphere Solutions wanted to do something a bit different to provide a fantastic night of fun, laughter and...

Carney Consultancy Laces their Trainers for Charity

A team from Carney Consultancy recently put themselves to the test when competing in the Great North Run. We spoke...

Bill’s Christmas Message 2022

Hello It’s been a busy year for our charity and the number of construction families reaching out for support continues...