Skilled Labour Services founder Rich Allen is a passionate believer that, collectively, the construction industry can (and should) do more to help look after our workforces.
That’s why he’s set himself the incredible target of completing his 50th (yes – his 50th!) marathon at the 2022 London Marathon and is marking this milestone to raise vital funds for The Lighthouse Club charity.
On the 17th-18th November SLS attended London Build 2021 where they were located at Stand H93 to kickstart their fundraising campaign for the Mental Health Charity The Lighthouse Club.
They asked each person who passed us to come and sign a brick to help build the ‘lighthouse’ each brick = a £1 donation made by SLS.
All 240 bricks were placed a swell as people sending in personal donations to Rich’s just giving page.
We me lots of men and women alike who were more than happy to help contribute to the charity and were really keen to find out more about lighthouse and what you guys do.
It was really beneficial as we also got to speak to so many people in the industry who were struggling with labour shortages so it gave us a chance to also introduce ourselves.