Sensational HQR Summer Ball raises a staggering £53000

24th November 2017

The HQR Summer Ball is a celebration of all that is good in the London High Quality Residential sector and this year saw the event raise a staggering £53000. A charitable donation formed part of the table cost and the evening itself featured a charity raffle and auction

Following on from the huge success of 2016’s inaugural event, the decision was taken to register HQR London as a Charitable Trust.  The new charity aims to raise as much money as possible through those in London’s high quality residential sector, and then distribute those funds to worthy charities which are close to the hearts of its members.

Having established HQR London Charitable Foundation, the first focus for the trustees was the 2017 Summer Ball. The event was spectacular, attended by over 750 industry colleagues, (including husbands, wives and partners and the funds raised far exceeded all expectations and reinforced the charitable aims of the Foundation and the Summer Ball as its main event.  The ball, which took place in June this year raised a fantastic £106,000 split between the 2017 beneficiaries, The Lighthouse Club and YoungMinds.

Further fund raising events are being planned, including HQR Ski which takes place in early 2018 as the charity looks to build on its early success over the coming years, whilst also providing unrivalled networking opportunities at its functions.

HQR founders Andrew Crispin of Walter Lilly, and Darren Size of Sizebreed Group, are the initial trustees of the charity. Importantly, the charity has no running costs, as these costs are being covered by the trustee’s firms. This means that 100% of the money raised goes to the nominated charities, which both Andrew and Darren believe is hugely important.

Our industry has a strong heritage of corporate social responsibility and charitable giving and this was evidenced at both the 2016 and 2017 events, when the incredible combined sum of £168,200 was raised for the nominated charities.

We’re delighted to announce that the Lighthouse Club Charity will be one of the beneficiaries for the 2018 Summer Ball alongside The Lullaby Trust.

Bill Hill, CEO of The Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity said,” We are absolutely staggered at the amount of money raised this year, I could hardly believe my ears when I heard the news. It takes such a lot of effort to organise something of this scale and we’d like to say a huge thank you to the HQR team and everyone that contributed on the night.”

Table bookings are now open for the 2018 Ball and further information can be found on or by contacting event organiser, Kelly Gower (

Image: Lighthouse Club CEO Bill Hill (centre) receiving his cheque from HQR Trustees Andrew Crispin (left) and Darren Size (right)

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