Scotland East’s Evening of Celebration

19th December 2023

The Scotland East Annual Dinner, took place once again at the Sheraton Grand Hotel and Spa in Edinburgh this year. Drawing an impressive crowd, the event boasted nearly 350 guests in attendance. Adding a unique twist to the evening, the entertainment featured their very own rendition of the popular BBC TV and Radio show “Breaking the News,” presented by Des Clarke and accompanied by the witty panellists Stuart Mitchell and Raymond Mearns.

The night was brimming with excitement, featuring multiple winners of the One £ton Wheel and the always-popular Hit or Miss quiz. Acknowledging outstanding dedication and support to the club over the years, the coveted Everett Award went to Patersons of Greenockhill.

A massive shout out goes to Sunbelt Rentals and Abird Apex for their generous sponsorship, a crucial element in making the event a success. The heartfelt thanks extend to all the guests and their table hosts, without whom this evening wouldn’t have been possible. Chairman Alan Smith conveyed his sincere gratitude to everyone in attendance, giving special recognition to the committee and the night’s helpers for orchestrating yet another fantastic evening. While final accounts are pending, there’s confidence that the evening will contribute over £15k to the cause.

Attendees have showered the night with praise, and the ground work for next year’s event is already in progress.Looking ahead, mark your calendars for next year’s dinner on November 8th, 2024, at the Sheraton—an event already eagerly anticipated for another round of celebration.

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