FTMRC and LCA – Golf and Clay Shoot

The Federation of Traditional Metal Roofing Contractors (FTMRC) and the Lead Contractors Association (LCA) recently hosted a successful event in...

Ben’s Whacky Races

We are incredibly fortunate as a charity that so many people recognise how vital our services are and fundraise to...

Sarah Bolton CEO – Supporting our Mental Health...

With World Suicide Prevention Day and World Mental Health Day in September and October respectively, I am conscious that there...

Bellway Homes: Darting For a Cause

The "Darting For A Cause" event, hosted by Bellway Homes, was a resounding success! The event catered for all abilities...

Kick Starting our New Logo with Classic Builders...

Well renowned building firm Classic Builders SW Ltd, who operate throughout Devon and Cornwall, have partnered with the Wayne Rooney...

ACT’s Inaugural Charity Golf Day a Resounding Success

ACT’s first-ever charity golf day was a smashing success, raising an impressive £3,645 for our charity, thanks to the incredible...