Fab Footy raises over £5500 for Charity

On 17th July 2021, six football teams came together to participate in a charity football day in memory of Adam...

Sunshine and smiles at the Geocel Golf Day

It was an incredibly successful day full of laughs and friendship for those who joined us for the annual Geocel...

Skanska run for mental health

A team of six colleagues who all work for Cementation Skanska Ltd recently took part in the Asics 10k run...

Ninety mile ‘OC Way’ cycle ride raises over...

An epic 90-MILE cycle challenge by Oliver Connell and Son Ltd raised over £70,000 for charity with money being divided...

Balfour Beatty Project Manager Waxes Lyrical for Lighthouse...

It was definitely a case of no pain, no gain for Balfour Beatty Project Manager, Chris Gill when he elected...

Brogan Group cross the finish line on the...

Brogan Group have finished their tall building challenge, raising £2,000 for the Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity. Their volunteers from the...