Multiplex Walk for Wellbeing

8th August 2023

Following another hugely successful Walk for Wellbeing by the Multiplex  team, we caught up with them to find out how the day went and what motivates them to support us.

At Multiplex, the Lighthouse Charity is very close to our hearts, and we feel it is very important to fundraise and support them. We do this by not only raising money for this wonderful cause but by also highlighting the support available.

Our charity walk went extremely well. Joined by representatives from our supply chain, walks took place across London, Glasgow, and the Scottish Highlands – completing a combined total of 47km across all three charity walks.

We passed a lot of construction sites on our London and Glasgow walks and were able to stop and talk to people, handing out leaflets with information on how to access the services the Lighthouse Charity offer. We also spoke to people about the charity and the services it offers as we believe it is the responsibility of tier 1 contractors to set an example; spreading the message to everyone in the industry, making sure they know that they don’t have to struggle or face life’s difficulties alone,  and ensuring that they know that help is always available.

All the walks that took place, were enjoyed by all. Walking with and speaking to people from all over the business, some you wouldn’t usually get the chance to talk to in the standard day, was brilliant. It was also lovely to have some our supply chain join us and, of course, Tom McConkey from the Lighthouse Charity who joined us on the day.

Claire Scrimgeour, Health, Safety & Training Project Manager said, “Our Lighthouse Charity walks are now an annual event and we are proud to work with and support them and everyone in our industry.”

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