We have been delivering charitable support to the construction industry since 1956, delivering emotional and financial support to families in crisis.

If you would like to apply for financial or wellbeing support you can either call our 24/7 confidential Construction Industry Helpline for help now or submit your application online.

Construction Industry Helpline 24/7 telephone number

UK 0345 605 1956*
ROI 1800 939 122*

Apply Online

*Calls to this number from a landline and/or mobile are included if you have a free call package. However, charges will apply to calls that are made over your allowance or to those on PAYG. Please check with your provider if you are unsure.


Find out more about our Construction Industry Helpline and App

Watch our videos below to find out more about our helpline and our new app, providing vital information, advice and guidance on many wellbeing topics including stress, anxiety, depression, anger and suicidal thoughts. If you’d like to use this video for your Toolbox Talk or to let your employees know where they can turn to for help, you can download it here.