A 23 year old construction labourer, who has been in the industry for over 5 years, became homeless when the relationship with his partner ended – they shared a house together. He was no longer in contact with his family and had no one to turn to in his time of need. Because of his financial circumstance, he also had no means of getting to and from his place of work.
He contacted us in need of financial support towards somewhere to live and be safe. We were able to provide emergency accommodation and arrange for emergency food deliveries. We also provided support to pay his first month’s rent and holding fee so he could have a stable living situation.
With our help he now has a place to live and can work more hours since he doesn’t have to worry about where he is going to sleep each night. He has thanked us repeatedly for assisting him throughout such a turbulent period in his life and said that he was extremely grateful and would have been lost with us.