URGENT Charity Appeal

9th April 2020

Donate to the appeal online  Contact us about your donation  Read the press release

This crisis fund is restricted and 100% of the donations received will be used to support construction families in need. Not one penny will be diverted to charity overhead.

Update 11 June 2020: The appeal has reached £472,762. Watch our latest video below, which talks about a real family who we are supporting through crisis.


Update 13 May 2020: Appeal has reached £320,031. Read more about the appeal’s progress.

Please take a moment to watch the following appeal video and donate if you can.

Donate to the appeal online Contact us about your donation Read the press release

No construction worker, or their family, should be alone in a crisis.

Our CEO, Bill Hill, has written an opinion piece about Covid-19 and the construction industry. You can read it here.

Thank you for your continued support in these difficult times.

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