Over £26,000 raised at Yorkshire ‘gents’ night

15th December 2017

In 2011 we held our first event as the rejuvenated Yorkshire Branch following inactivity for a number of years. Some six years later we continue to go from strength to strength and holding our annual Gentleman’s Christmas Lunch in November.

This year saw us return to the Hilton Hotel in Leeds and the event was at full capacity with 280 guests.

The event was sponsored by Oakley Plant Ltd of Scarborough and numerous auction prizes were donated by local businesses and individuals. Through the kind generosity of our supporters and guests on the day we raised a staggering £26,500.

Malcolm Lord as the inimitable MC who as usual had the lives of various committee members but this only added to the party atmosphere and a great time was had by all.

Overall another great success and thank you again to our wonderful supporters, volunteers who always help on the day and the local committee with a particular mention for our Chairman Alan Wright who always rallies support and the branch secretary Anika Mather who singlehandedly arranges and coordinates the whole event!

Our next event is the Spring Ball at The Queens Hotel in Leeds on 24th March 2018 and early demand is expected so book your table now…

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